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So Lucky!! Beehive Soap and Body Care

I do feel so LUCKY! 

I have a great hubby -- three fabulous grown children -- one wonderful daughter-in-law, and another wonderful Almost daughter-in-law (wedding in June!!) -- and one incredible Grandson.  We also have one cute little dog:  Charlie, who is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!  

I have a small business that requires time, creativity, and persistence -- but pays off in huge dividends of satisfaction, flexibility (if I want to play in the afternoon...I   simply go into my studio early and get that batch of soap made and in the molds!), and income.  I also have established many wonderful wholesale accounts -- and I have really enjoyed creating a relationship with each buyer!!

With St. Patrick's Day just two days away -- we are running a special promotion offering free shipping on all orders over $75 today, friday, and Saturday (March 15, 16, 17).  Use coupon code:  LUCKY at checkout.  Now you can feel LUCKY as well!!



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