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My Nephew and his wife recently had a precious baby girl, their first baby.  These new parents have just barely taken this new little daughter home.

Family and friends have showered them with gifts, and now that pictures are appearing all over Facebook and Instagram — family and friends shower them again with congratulations and loving support.

With this new birth and with Mothers Day approaching — it has given me time to ponder Mothers/Wonderful Women who are all around me:

1. my own Mother and Mother-in-Law/Step Mother -in-Law and their many qualities. How grateful I am for their sacrifice on my family’s behalf
2. my Daughter-in-Law who is Mother to my only Grandson (now four years old).  Being a Grandma is an awesome title that I cherish!
3. friends and neighbors and family members who may not have given birth to a child but none-the-less show love and tenderness to children in their realm of influence.

I remember many years ago with wonder when taking each of my three dear children home from the hospital — tiny and beautiful and realizing how “changed — in an amazing way” my world had become in just a few days…. and how nearly every other person around me was having “just another day”.  My own turn as “Mother” continues.  I will always be Mother to my adult children — and wonder at all they have accomplished and at their great talents.

As we cherish our Mothers in coming weeks — may we all give them an extra hug and shower them with whatever makes them smile from ear to ear!!  (Perhaps it is something tangible… but most likely it is an expression of gratitude for all they have done!)

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