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Memories Wanted

In May, 2010, I attended the Handcrafted Soapmakers Conference (yes – they really do have a conference for soapmakers!) in Denver.  It was three days packed with classes on soapmaking with hundreds of like-minded women (and a few men).

The 2011 conference just concluded in Miami (without me), however, next year the conference will be in Portland, OR, and I am planning to attend.

Back to 2010… After the conference we (me and hubby) had a little time to explore and we ended up in Georgetown CO.  We had a really nice time wandering through the various shops.  One shopkeeper was remodeling her shop – changing from a store that sold “miniatures and doll houses” to a Tea Room.  When I asked why – she said that most customers just “look” at the merchandise.  Customers seem to have enough “stuff” at home!  What they really want is an experience… a memory… and that’s what she hoped the Tea Room would provide!

What does this have to do with Beehive Soap?  Well, my goal is to not just get you clean… but to provide a bathing “experience” for you, my customer!  I hope each bath or shower taken with Beehive Soaps will be a pleasurable one, almost like a mini-spa treatment each morning or night (or both… if you’re like some people I know!!).   The feel of the lather and the lovely aroma will combine to create an “experience” you will look forward to as you start your day… or as you collapse at the end of it!!

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