One of the best ways for me to introduce my product to the public is through Farmers Markets! This face to face opportunity allows me a moment to explain what’s special about my soaps (that they are formulated with goats milk, yogurt, water or beer; that they are made with moisturizing oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, castor oil, shea butter, etc.; that they are cured for at least 4 weeks before being sold, etc.) and the customer can smell the lovely fragrances (over 20 choices) and decide which one they can’t live another day without!!
This year I will be in the Salt Lake Farmers Market on 7/23, 7/30, 8/20, 8/27, 9/17, 9/24, 10/15 and 10/22; and at the Sugar House Farmers Market on 7/22, 7/29, 8/19, 8/26, 9/16, 9/30, 10/7 and 10/14.
I may also pop in to a couple other markets as time and energy (and soap inventory) allows.
I personally love the Farmers Markets.
1. People are happy to support local businesses — and even if they aren’t buying they are very friendly.
2. I get immediate feedback from customers about new fragrances/products.
3. I get suggestions for new products (last week someone asked for soap for dogs and today someone suggested I make chocolate soap and coconut lotion).
4. I get to meet/see some very interesting people (people watching is great fun)! (Last week I recognized a friend from Middle School/High School!)
5. I make sure to support other businesses as well (we brought home Tree Hugger Foods Granola and Crumb Brothers Bread, and my husband bought a “Fresh Lime” and some pulled pork for lunch).
If there is a Farmers Market near you I encourage you to buy local and have a wonderful sensory adventure besides!