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Clean the World

The SugarHouse Farmers Market Board and Whole Foods have decided to do a Soap Drive for Clean The World this year!  (You can read all about Clean the World at  The Farmers Market will help publicize the Soap Drive – which will be held on Aug. 26th and Sept. 30th, and Whole Foods has agreed to cover the shipping costs of getting the donated soap to the Clean the World headquarters.   What a great opportunity for the community to rally together and provide soap for many people in less fortunate circumstances.  Clean the World works vigorously to get Hotel and Motel chains to commit to contributing to this great cause; which means that partially used soaps and other hotel amenities are gathered up by hotel staff and then shipped to Clean the World.  Before you choke on the “partially used soap” concept… realize that the partially used soap is then re-processed/recycled into new bars of soap.  This great effort keeps tons of germ killing soaps out of the landfills and allows it to go to countries/regions where there is great need for soap to help stop the spread of disease!  My contribution… was to suggest the soap drive to the Board… and I will, of course, have soap to contribute!  (Occasionally  a batch of soap is cosmetically challenged and ends up in my box of soap “for personal use only” or to be donated for a great cause such as this!)

Keep an eye on my Facebook page for details… and for easy ways that you can contribute to this soap drive… or perhaps one near you!

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